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Could You Be Suffering from Burnout?

Burnout can happen to anyone! Take this quiz to see if you may have burnout and not know it!
Have you been feeling physically or emotionally exhausted for a prolonged period of time?

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Yes, quite often.
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Sometimes, it depends on the day.
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No, not at all.
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Do you often dread going to work or doing your regular activities?

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Almost every day
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Do you experience difficulty concentrating or staying focused?

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Most of the time
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Do you feel detached or disconnected from your coworkers, friends, or family members?

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Yes, I often feel disconnected
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Sometimes, I feel a little distanced
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No, I have a healthy connection with them
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Have your sleep patterns been disrupted (insomnia, oversleeping, restless sleep)?

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Yes, I often feel disconnected
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Yes, my sleep has been very disrupted
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Sometimes, I feel a little distanced
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No, I have a healthy connection with them
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No, my sleep is regular
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Are you experiencing frequent headaches, muscle pain, or other physical symptoms of stress?

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Yes, these symptoms are frequent
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I have some symptoms but not on a regular basis
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No, I don't have any such symptoms
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Do you feel unappreciated or unvalued in your work or daily activities?

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No, I feel valued and appreciated.
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Sometimes, but not always.
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- Yes, I often feel unappreciated.
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Have you lost motivation or passion for things you once enjoyed?

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Yes, I've lost interest in things I used to love
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I'm not as excited about them, but I still enjoy them
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No, I still enjoy the things I used to.
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Do you constantly feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities?

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Yes, I often feel overwhelmed
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Sometimes, but I manage to cope
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No, I handle my responsibilities well
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Do you feel cynical or negative about your work or other aspects of your life?

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Yes, I often feel cynical and negative
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Sometimes, depending on the situation.
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No, I generally have a positive outlook
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Do you often use food, alcohol, or other substances as a way to cope with stress?

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Yes, I frequently use these as coping mechanisms
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Occasionally, but not as a regular habit
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No, I use healthy ways to deal with stress
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You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%% out of %%TOTALSCORE%%

Your results indicate some burnout characteristics. Note: This quiz is not a diagnostic tool. It is simply a way to self-check for symptoms associated with burnout. If you're feeling overwhelmed or experiencing any symptoms of burnout, please reach out to your primary care or your mental health professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%% out of %%TOTALSCORE%%

Your results indicate that you feel occasional burnout sympptoms. Note: This quiz is not a diagnostic tool. It is simply a way to self-check for symptoms associated with burnout. If you're feeling overwhelmed or experiencing any symptoms of burnout, please reach out to your primary care or your mental health professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%% out of %%TOTALSCORE%%

Your results indicate that you rarely have burnout symptoms. Note: This quiz is not a diagnostic tool. It is simply a way to self-check for symptoms associated with burnout. If you're feeling overwhelmed or experiencing any symptoms of burnout, please reach out to your primary care or your mental health professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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